Sunday, August 26, 2012

School's in Session! Working Towards Goals - iPads, Common Core, and a Whole Lot More!

Last Tuesday, my 18th class of students rolled into Room 510 at Blue Ridge Elementary. Although I have experienced the opening day of school many times before, I look upon this upcoming year with the same excitement and wonder as those first few years of teaching! This year's new beginning comes with a room full of iPads and students ready to dive into learning in a whole new way.

Not only will we be implementing iPad technology into our daily subjects, we will also be aligning the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with our classroom curriculum. The CCSS focus on inquiry learning and real-life application. I believe the iPad classroom is going to offer an exciting and innovative way to meet these new goals.

Last week, I shared my proposal goals for my research classroom. This week, I will begin to share HOW I plan on meeting those goals, while working toward the implementation of the CCSS into our curriculum.

Goal #1 - Increase student engagement in lessons and content

This one is a no-brainer! Have you ever watched a classroom full of students working on iPads? It is probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced as a teacher. By providing meaningful instruction through the use of apps and websites, students are enthralled in what they are doing - and they don't want to stop! Engagement data taken at the end of last school year, revealed students on task 100% of the time, while working on the iPads! This past week, we got started using iPads for our learning, and dove right into research using QR codes from websites and the free Scanner app. Below I've linked a video from our research on the key elements of maps and globes.

Goal #2 - Increase reading fluency

To help students increase reading fluency, students record themselves reading aloud 2-3 times a week using the free QuickVoice app. Students pick a paragraph from their independent reading, record themselves, listen to the recording, and then rate the recording on a T chart. They repeat the process 2 times each session, with the goal of improving the quality of their reading each time.

Last Spring my students participated in this activity and had impressive gains over a 9-week time period. According to pre and post fluency testing by our reading interventionist, reading fluency in these students improved an average of 6 times the normal rate over a 9-week period! I got the idea for this activity from a literacy project performed using iPods at Central Elementary in Escondido, California. Check out the link below for more information on the Central Elementary project.

Goal #3 - Increase reading comprehension

This goal is definitely the most difficult to gage, based on all the types of literacy instruction students receive during the typical school year. But, with increased engagement comes increased interaction with the content. It makes sense that more interaction with content will inevitably lead to better comprehension of material. There will be lots of activities that I will share throughout the year to help meet this all-important goal.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Getting Started with Action Research . . . Goal Setting!

When I initially submitted my proposal for the iPad classroom, I felt it was important to set certain goals for our classroom learning.  The transformation of iPads to classroom tools has happened relatively quickly.  The first iPads went on sale a little over 2 years ago - in the Spring of 2010.  Since that time, schools have been quick to jump on the bandwagon, which is really very unusual for the world of education.  Many times implementation of educational decisions and programs take place after research has taken place, and there is data to back the process.  With the iPad initiative, it is quite different!  School Districts are buying them up and putting them in the classrooms without a lot of data to back up the effectiveness of iPads on academic growth.
With this in mind, I approached this endeavor with the purpose of compiling student data based on iPad use.  So here are my goals for my iPad classroom!

  1. Increase student engagement in lessons and content
  2. Increase accuracy in oral reading fluency
  3. Increase reading comprehension
Each of these goals will be monitored in the following ways:
  1. School Administrators will perform "time on task" engagement observations at the beginning and end of each nine week period.
  2. Student reading fluency will be measured in the fall, winter, and spring.
  3. MAP scores in reading comprehension from my students will be compared to a cohort group on paper that mirrors the same ability levels of my students.  MAP scores will be reviewed and compared to the Winter and Spring results.
I am sure you are thinking "How is she going to accomplish these goals by just using iPads?"  Well, keep reading this blog!  I will be sharing my wealth of resources and plans over the upcoming weeks! 
Have a great start to the school year, AND FOLLOW ME ON THIS BLOG!!

Here is a great place to start to find good educational apps for the classroom.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's that time . . . Back to School Planning and Organizing

Teachers across the country are getting into the back to school planning mode.  Our district teachers report next Tuesday, and our students arrive the following week, so it's time for me to start gathering resources and do some pre-planing in anticipation of my new group of students.

This year presents some exciting and unusual challenges for me!  In addition to the implementation of iPad literacy goals into my classroom curriculum, our school will also be implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) adopted by the state of South Carolina, and participating in a school wide Engaged Readers and Writers initiative.  Because of this, I am feeling especially motivated to get my organization and planning underway!

So with these three things in mind - Back to School, CCSS, and iPads in the Classroom . . . I wanted to share some great resources I found through what is quickly becoming a teacher's new best professional development network - Pinterest!

Create an AWESOME planning binder with these FREE pages from Curriculum Corner!   Teacher Planning Binder
Free Teacher Binder pages to download and print

Common Core Checklists for Grades K-5!  (Gotta pay $5.99, but this resource is worth it.)

iPads integration in the classroom is more than just playing apps! Here is a website that categorizes apps according to Bloom's Taxonomy.