Sunday, October 14, 2012

iPad Integration = Purposeful Play

     With the thousands of educational apps now available, students need to be given a purpose for using the various iPad Apps available.  Some apps are informational while other apps are interactive.  The children need to have a reason to use the app to get the most out of the instructional activity.  For that reason, I spent a lot of time this weekend creating subject based activity and project pages to use with a variety of educational apps.  In the classroom, we will be creating folders for our iPad activity sheets.  Each sheet has a place for the students to record data about their interaction with the app, or perform research on a subject using the app.  I am confident the app activity booklet will help guide the students' independent learning while using the iPads.  Below, I've included a link to my school web page that has the PDF activity sheets for ELA Game Apps, Native American Research and Project, and Life Science Research.

I hope you find the app activity sheets helpful!  Have a great week!